Summer Rest

A digital painting dedicated to Spunky, one of my best and earliest friends, who I miss everyday.

Made in Procreate with added grain and texture in Photoshop.

I wanted to convey a sense of warmth & comfort in the colors of this photo since that’s what my dogs always brought to me.

I wanted to convey a sense of warmth & comfort in the colors of this photo since that’s what my dogs always brought to me.

Here, Spunky rests on a pillow in the sun shining through the glass sliding doors of our new apartment. This was in August of 2019 — he passed away the next summer at 14 years old.

Me (Age: 6) & Spunky (Age: 1)

Me (Age: 6) & Spunky (Age: 1)

Me (Age: 18), Spunky (Age: 13), & Belle (Age: 15)

Me (Age: 18), Spunky (Age: 13), & Belle (Age: 15)


Luna Bubble Float


Sailor Moon x ColourPop Collection